RESICO integration in e-commerce
Sales management in the most popular e-commerce solutions

WooCommerce, Mozello and Shopify integration with RESICO
Smarter e-commerce
Nowadays, you can’t do without an e-shop. That’s why we have taken care of the integration of e-commerce into RESICO’s sales management solution

Integrating the e-commerce platform with Resico is simple and time-saving

e-commerce process management using RESICO
Precise product balance records across all sales channels
Product supply and price management

Customer integration with CRM module
Easy data integration and reporting

Start using RESICO for 55 Eur / month
With RESICO, your company will get:
- Product list and cards. Product types - product, service, BOM
- Activity logs - adjustments, transfers, BOM, inventories
- Purchase orders
- E-commerce integration (WooCommerce, Mozello, Shopify)
- Supplier and customer register
- Gift card solution

- Reports (Basic reports, stock valuation, VAT reports, transaction)
- Overview, Toplist, revenue analysis, replenishment report, location
- Stock analysis, product category report, customer turnover report, KS
- Transaction summary reports
- KS Sales Report Builder
- Integrations with CHD and Resico POS systems

My goal is to help businesses in retail, wholesale, food service, and e-commerce increase profits by streamlining and automating sales and resource management processes with RESICO solutions.
Right now, there’s support available for process digitalization funding up to EUR 9,999.
“Stay ahead of your competitors by digitalizing your sales processes!”
SIA IBSC Reģ. Nr. 40103321215 PVN Nr. LV40103321215
Juridiskā adrese: Bieķensalas iela 21, Rīga, LV-1004
Customer support
Bieķensalas iela 21, Rīga
5. stāvs, Mūkusalas biroji